Flaw Hide Level 5 Finishing Compound Pail 15L (20 kg)
- Setting
Flaw Hide is a high performance low VOC basecoat designed to create a uniform surface on internal plasterboard and fibre cement wall and ceiling linings in preparation for high quality Level 5, decorative finishes.
- High hiding power
- Minimises joint banding
- Dries to a white finish
- Sandable
- Designed for pre-texture or Level 5 finishing.
Made in Australia, this product is backed by the manufacturer's warranty meaning you can trust that you will have quality results and dedicated local customer support. This product is guaranteed on any brand of plasterboard.
This is a paint product, not a plastering compound. Flaw Hide should be professionally applied, preferably by airless spray to achieve a superior finish.
The use of this product will not automatically upgrade a job to a level 5 finish. A Level 5 Finish needs to be performed by following the relevant standard: AS/NZS 2589.